Saturday, February 28, 2009

Computer Facts ..!!!


1. The 4004 was the first microprocessor of intel.

2. The nVidia GeForce 6800 ultra has 222 million transistors which is the
record for the max. no. transistors on a chip.

3. James Gosling created java at sun microsystems.He came up with the
name Java while debating over it at a coffee shop.

4. The first ISP was Compuserve, established in 1969 which is now under

5. The Palm O.S fits in less than 100 K,which is less than one percent the size
of Windows 98 or Mac O.S.

6. What does 50 G.B of storage really mean?It means we can stack 3 piles of
single spaced type written pages taller than the Eiffel tower and data to
support this information is about 50 gigabytes.

7. The code name for the 12 engineers who designed the IBM pc was :-
'The dirty dozen'.

8. When the cd was invented, it was decided that a cd should be long
enough to hold beethoven's Ninth Symphony at any tempo which was
precisely 72 minutes.

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